Daily RFID
Daily RFID

(RFIDWorld.ca) To meet a variety of needs, Daily RFID has recently launched a Non-standard RFID card.

The card know as “The UHF Minicard” is equipped with a hole in the tag since it was originally made for managing pets. The card however, can be used for a variety of needs such as for University student ID cards, employee ID and other such logistics.

It is customized to support ISO 18000-6B or ISO 18000-6C EPC Gen2 standard, and the tags operate on an 860 MHz to 960 MHz.

The RFID tag has a reading range from 1 meter to 3.5 meters with its maximum storage capability of 2Kbit.

The major benefit of such a mini card is that it avoids human error while providing a perfect solution for managing numbers and locations of pets, clothing and other people management.

The size of the non-standard RFID mini card are 30 mm x 40mm and it has a thickness of only 0.9 mm, thus is a very compact size, easily able to be hidden.

There are also addition RFID cards available that come in various sizes and colours depending on what the needs for them are.

Overall, the more RFID cards become used, it is forecasted that the easier our manual life will be reducing human errors and having multifunctional abilities.

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