Yan Simard - CEO of AirMe
Yan Simard - CEO of AirMe

(RFIDWorld.ca) A Canadian entrepreneur is building RFID tags to be sold in big-box retail stores. The RFID tags being developed are to help customers with product information. The RFID tags would be attached to product packaging and would have the ability to be scanned by smartphones.

Founder and CEO of AirMe, Yan Simard, who is a finalist in the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation’s Breakthru business competition, said that the product information would download directly from the manufacturer’s web page.

Simard said that no extra information other than what is needed link you to the web page are necessary for this new technology to work. The device will just be able to take users to very important and beneficial information needed.

He is already seeking business investment opportunities by contacting many marketing firms in New Brunswick, Canada, to discuss plans.

Based on the feedback Simard’s company is getting, he is confident that they are ready to launch the product as soon as possible.

Although smartphones are not yet equipped with the technology to support RFID tags, Simard predicts smartphones will be enhanced very shortly work with RFID technology.

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